US Department of Transportation
FHWA PlanWorks: Better Planning, Better Projects
US Department of Transportation
FHWA Planworks: Better Planning, Better Projects
ENV-11: Approve Final Jurisdictional Determination
Environmental Review/NEPA Merged with Permitting
This decision is a required step in the Section 404 permitting process. It is not integrated with other phases of transportation decision making or other decision making processes. Note that this is an approval of the final jurisdictional determination (JD), but a preliminary JD is a useful technical decision made before ENV-9 (Approve Draft EIS with Conceptual Mitigation) that informs the avoidance and minimization of impacts. This is likely the earliest point in the environmental review process that enough information is available to make this final determination.There is information developed in prior Key Decisions that informs this step.
The first table describes the purpose and anticipated outcome of a Key Decision. If the decision is federally mandated, the purpose and outcome will relate to the legal intent.
The second table describes roles for key partners with legal decision making authority in the transportation process. The roles indicate the influence a partner can have on a decision, and show each partner where their input is most needed. For a full understanding of roles see the Partner Portal.
Partner | Role Type | Description |
MPO | No Role | A decision-making partner has no interest in the Key Decision because the resulting action is outside the role/involvement of its agency. |
FHWA/FTA | Observer | Observes the final jurisdictional determination by USACE. |
State DOT | Decision Maker | Provides information necessary for USACE to make a jurisdictional determination. |
Resource Agency | Decision Maker | USACE is a decision-maker, approving the jurisdictional determination. EPA has veto authority, but it is rarely exercised. |
Public Transportation Operator(s) | Observer | Observes the final jurisdictional determination by USACE. |
Links to Decisions
This table identifies the connection to other Key Decisions. The linkages highlight the importance of collaboration across transportation phases. Practitioners are encouraged to document the basis of the decision and consider information from previous Key Decisions.
Transportation Phases | Key Decision | What is Linked? | Purpose of Linkage |
None. |
Questions to Consider
Questions are a way to gather input from partners and stakeholders that can be used to inform the decision. Decision makers can discuss the questions provided to ensure a broad array of interests are considered to support a collaborative process. Questions also allow staff to collect stakeholder interests, ensure these are included in the decision, and provide a response based on the decision outcome. Although Public Transportation is not represented by a PlanWorks Application, the information provided may be useful in a collaborative transportation process.
Category | Questions to Consider |
Long Range Planning |
Programming |
Corridor Planning |
Environmental Review |
Bicycles and Pedestrians |
Capital Improvement |
Economic Development |
Freight |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Health in Transportation |
Human Environment and Communities |
Land Use |
Linking Planning and Operations |
Natural Environment and Implementing Eco Logical |
Performance Measures |
Planning and Environment Linkages |
Public Private Partnerships |
Public Transportation |
Safety |
Stakeholder Collaboration |
Transportation Conformity |
Visioning and Transportation |
The following list of data may be needed to support the Key Decision. Practitioners collect this information for decision makers to consider. Although Public Transportation is not represented by a PlanWorks Application, the information provided may be useful in a collaborative transportation process.
Category | Data to Consider |
Long Range Planning |
Programming |
Corridor Planning |
Environmental Review |
Bicycles and Pedestrians |
Capital Improvement |
Economic Development |
Freight |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Health in Transportation |
Human Environment and Communities |
Land Use |
Linking Planning and Operations |
Natural Environment and Implementing Eco Logical |
Performance Measures |
Planning and Environment Linkages |
Public Private Partnerships |
Public Transportation |
Safety |
Stakeholder Collaboration |
Transportation Conformity |
Visioning and Transportation |
Links to Applications
The interaction between transportation decision making and other planning processes will ensure that important values and goals outside the transportation process are recognized and considered. Although Public Transportation is not represented by a PlanWorks Application, the information provided may be useful in a collaborative transportation process.
Application | Description |
Bicycles and Pedestrians |
Capital Improvement |
Economic Development |
Freight |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Health in Transportation |
Human Environment and Communities |
Land Use |
Linking Planning and Operations |
Natural Environment and Implementing Eco Logical |
Performance Measures |
Planning and Environment Linkages |
Public Private Partnerships |
Public Transportation |
Safety |
Stakeholder Collaboration |
Transportation Conformity |
Visioning and Transportation |
In - depth case studies of successful practices in
collaborative decision making were used to develop the Decision Guide.Links in this
table point to a specific paragraph or section of a case study that supports a Key Decision.
It is not necessary to read through an entire case study to find the example; however,
full versions are available in the Library.
PlanWorks Case Study Examples: |
None. |
Other Examples: |
None. |