US Department of Transportation
FHWA PlanWorks: Better Planning, Better Projects
US Department of Transportation
FHWA Planworks: Better Planning, Better Projects
Planning and Environment Linkages
Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) helps transportation decision makers consider environmental, community, and economic goals early in the transportation planning process. Practitioners can also use the information, analysis, and products developed during planning to inform the environmental review process. Although not required, use of PEL is encouraged by FHWA.

PEL benefits include consistency, improved sharing of information, and savings of costs and time by eliminating duplicative efforts. For many years federal law and regulations have supported PEL. The FAST Act and the Final Rule for Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Transportation Planning advances the concept of PEL by encouraging innovation and accelerated project delivery through use of these approaches.
Collaborative practices that support PEL include information sharing, communication, and building and strengthening relationships among partners and stakeholders. This Application provides information, questions, and examples for practitioners to consider PEL at specific points in the decision making process.
The Decision Guide provides information on the individual Key Decisions at which these processes are integrated. Hover over the highlighted Key Decisions to understand the specific relationship of PEL to the decision. Click on any highlighted Key Decision for more information about questions, data, and relationships that support this interface. Key Decisions that are greyed-out have no specific relevance to the individual application or topic area but are still accessible from this graphic.
Approve Evaluation Criteria, Methods and Measures
Approve Transportation Deficiencies
Make Conformity Determination by MPO
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Project Cost and Revenue Allocation Approach
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Project List from Adopted Plan
Approve Project Prioritization
Approve TIP by Governor and Incorporate into Draft STIP
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove STIP with respect to Fiscal Constraint
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Scope of Corridor Planning Process
Approve Problem Statements and Opportunities
Approve Goals for the Corridor
Reach Consensus on Scope of Environmental Analysis
Approve Evaluation Criteria, Methods and Measures
Approve Range of Solution Sets
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Implementation Criteria for Prioritizing Projects
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationAdopt Priorities for Implementation
Reach Consensus on Scope of Environmental Review
Approve Purpose and Need/Reach Consensus on Project Purpose
Approve Evaluation Criteria, Methods and Measures
Approve Full Range of Alternatives
Approve Alternatives to be Carried Forward
Approve Draft EIS with Conceptual Mitigation
Approve Resource Agency Public Notice
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Preferred Alternative / LEDPA
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Final Jurisdictional Determination
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationReach Consensus on Avoidance and Minimization for the LEDPA
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationApprove Final EIS and Record of Decision
This Key Decision is not associated with applicationRender Permit Decision and Approve Avoidance and Minimization
This Key Decision is not associated with application