Ohio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway

Ohio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway


Click on the Map below to view the section of the Byway.

Eastern Section

Eastern Section

Findley SPMalabar Farm SPPortage Lakes SPWest Branch SPLake Milton SPBeaver Creek SPGuilford Lake SPJefferson Lake SPQuail HollowMt. Gilead SPOhio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway - Eastern SectionOhio Lincoln Highway - Western SectionOhio https://fhwaapps.fhwa.dot.gov/bywaysp/state mapPennsylvania https://fhwaapps.fhwa.dot.gov/bywaysp/stateWest Virginia https://fhwaapps.fhwa.dot.gov/bywaysp/stateWally Road Scenic BywayAmish Country BywayTappan-Moravian Trail Scenic BywayOhio & Erie Canalway Heritage Corridors of Bath BywayOhio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway