US Department of Transportation

FHWA PlanWorks: Better Planning, Better Projects

US Department of Transportation

FHWA Planworks: Better Planning, Better Projects

Stakeholder Collaboration Assessment

Please respond to the following statements based on your current situation. The assessment takes only a few minutes, and you can skip any section. Once finished, click View Result tab to see the summary report with your results and all strategies are available there.

You may also take the assessment off-line as an individual or as a group. The Assessment Statements (  ) and Supporting Strategies () provide you with all information in a printable format.

Assessment Questions

  • Stakeholder Communication

    A two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which agencies, stakeholders, and team members not only exchange information but also create shared meaning.

    Questions Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
    I am able to clearly articulate key messages with decision makers. X
    I am able to communicate the appropriate messages at the appropriate times and to the appropriate people. X
    I understand the process required to communicate my message. X
    I have ample opportunity to make my voice heard. X
    The input I provide has an influence on the decisions made by formal decision making partners. X
  • Stakeholder Understanding

    Stakeholder understanding refers to the level of knowledge that stakeholders posses regarding the decision making process, roles within the process, appropriate means for influencing the process, and methods for accessing required information.

    Questions Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
    I understand the decision making process, the proposed plans, and the purpose of the plans. X
    I have access to the information I need to make informed choices X
    I understand the process I can use to influence the decision making process. X
    I understand my role in the decision making process. X
    I understand the roles of others (other stakeholders, decision makers) in the decision making process. X
    I receive feedback on the decision making team's status and decisions made. X
    I understand how the decisions made will affect my special interest. X
  • Stakeholder Commitment

    Stakeholder commitment refers to the state of being intellectually and emotionally invested in the outcome of a project or plan. Stakeholder collaboration refers to a process where two or more people or organizations work together towards a common goal by sharing knowledge, teaming on tasks, and building consensus.

    Questions Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
    I have a high level of individual commitment to the process and the outcomes of the decision making process. X
    I am able to consistently participate in the process and represent my interest throughout the decision making process. X
    There is a formal group available to support my needs during the decision making process X
    I have been able to engage with others of similar interest throughout the process. X
    I am able to identify, recognize, and accept interests of others and work from common interests. X

Assessment Results

Category Score and Strategy
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