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Alaska (AK)
Alaska Marine Highway
Experience Alaska by ferry along over 3,500 miles of scenic coastal routes. Explore the 35 communities served by the byway, each with a different flavor of Alaskan indigenous and modern culture, fascinating history, and great scenery. See whales, glaciers, rare birds, and sea lions from the deck. -
Glenn Highway
Tracing the receding glaciers responsible for this rugged gateway to Alaska s interior, Glenn Highway tells of powerful geological processes and the resourceful people who have managed to thrive along its corridor. Begin your journey in Anchorage and wind along 135 miles through fascinating landscapes, historical sites, and cozy roadhouses. -
Haines Highway - Valley of the Eagles
Travel along the Haines Highway - Valley of the Eagles and you will encounter the true home of the Bald Eagle. Each year, more than 3,500 Bald Eagles migrate to the preserve during October to February, the largest congregation of Bald Eagles in one location in the world! -
Seward Highway
Seward Highway showcases the natural beauty of south-central Alaska between Anchorage and Seward. From jagged peaks and alpine meadows to breathtaking fjords and crystal lakes, find a concentrated series of diverse landscapes and experiences. See sights such as Beluga whales or dog teams in the winter. -
The George Parks Highway Scenic Byway
Completed in 1971, the George Parks Highway shares with travelers some of Alaska s most memorable and spectacular scenery. Access to Denali National Park and Preserve is via the Parks Highway.
Local Information
AlaskaTravel Alaska
The official Alaska Travel Industry Association website
Alaska's Scenic Byways
Page on Alaska's official Department of Transportation Website for Alaska's scenic byways