US Department of Transportation

FHWA PlanWorks: Better Planning, Better Projects

Stakeholder Portal

People may become involved in transportation decision making for many different reasons and with varied interests and perspectives. Often individuals feel lost in the crowd - unsure of how to participate and how to know the rules that support the process. This diversity represents a challenge to those responsible for directing the process required to make transportation decisions. Although transportation professionals have a strong desire to include stakeholder participation, it is often at specific times where "public involvement" is required.

Although not a formal decision maker, stakeholders have a large role in transportation decision making - they can propel a project forward or stop it dead in its tracks. Champions often arise from stakeholder groups which not only represent the interests of local citizens, but also provide decision makers with a point of contact that can be depended upon to stay engaged. Stakeholders angry with the direction a project is taking or frustrated at not being heard can create roadblocks to project completion. Because they cannot directly make project decisions, stakeholders often resort to their power to halt progress - using their voice to delay improvements that are strongly needed.

PlanWorks is about collaboration throughout transportation decision making. It requires the commitment of both stakeholders and professionals to stay engaged and consider the interests of all participants. There are two specific areas of the site for support of stakeholders and those transportation professionals who focus on how best to include them in the process. The two portals below will introduce you to the site through the stakeholder lens. From this introduction, you may find other areas of the site that support your further participation.

Stakeholder Collaboration Assessment

Do you feel generally uncertain of how to make your voice heard in transportation issues?

Collaboration Assessment for Stakeholders helps pinpoint areas where steps can be taken to improve your ability to engage collaboratively.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Are you confused about the steps followed to make transportation decisions and your role?

Stakeholder Collaboration Application provides an overview of the transportation decision making process and the specific places where stakeholder input must be gathered and considered for true collaboration.