#59556: Route 66: It's More than a Road; It's Her People.

Sitting in lawn chairs along a stretch of Arizona's Historic Route 66 All American Road with miles of blue skies and high desert scrub brush as the backdrop, are brothers Juan and Angel Delgadillo, who, with a few other Route 66 believers, are responsible for the rebirth of Route 66. Angel, now 81 years old (as of 2008 or so), proved that one man can change the world. After Route 66 was bypassed by Interstate 40, he watched his community struggle to survive, all the while believing that the way to bring back the economy of his town and others along the Route was to build it on the heritage of Route 66 itself. Thirty years later Juan, who always wore mismatched socks, and Angel sit casually beside the road with smiles from ear to ear and a twinkle in their eyes. Juan and Angel built successful businesses around the Route 66 theme, and are proud that the world believed in their vision.
Public Domain. Photo by Bill Leverton
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