#1716: Pioneer Fashions on Display at Peteetneet Museum
![Pioneer Fashions on Display at Peteetneet Museum](https://fhwaapps.fhwa.dot.gov/bywaysp/uploads/asset_files/2012/1716_Ut.nebo.clothes_m.jpg)
These are examples of period fashions from the 18 and early-1900s, as seen at the Peteetneet Museum in Payson.
Public Domain.
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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
These are examples of period fashions from the 18 and early-1900s, as seen at the Peteetneet Museum in Payson.
Public Domain.
Download Original (172 x 225 pixels, 17.0 KB)